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During this tour you will see and visit the most important sights of the Pest side. This side of the city is still a reflection of the turn of the 19th and 20th century golden age, flourishing time, that Hungary experienced during the time period when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy between 1867 and 1918. You will drive out to Heroes' Square, which is the best possible way to learn about Hungarian history in a nutshell, through the statues of the most important historical figures. You may walk through the City Park, peak into Széchenyi Spa and see Vajdahunyad Castle, which was built for the 1896 World's Fair (Expo). Later visit St. Stephen Basilica, which is the largest church of Budapest and is truly beautiful. Walk through the administrative district, see different memorials taking you back to time periods like World War II , 1956 anti-communist uprising and the cold war and see the incredible and stunning Hungarian Houses of Parliament. This tour may be either a minivan or a walking tour and it is a half day (4hrs) tour. It may be combined with another half day, so then it would be a full day.
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